Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Shallows ( 144-End)

During class we spoke about an idea that Carr points out about the media making us less compassionate. I thought this idea was very interesting. I must say that I agree with this idea. I really liked how we linked the death of Osama Bin Laden to this idea. I feel that the US did well in gaining justice for those that died in the 9/11 attacks however is it morally right to take another human's life? They killed Osama which shows us that they never really had the intention of taking him to trial....
 This class really gave me a lot to think about in terms of our connection to the reading and Carr's argument that the media makes us less emotional and less compassionate. I think that this is true. I think that yes Osama did a lot of horrible things but the media does make us less compassionate about a lot of the things that go on in the world. 

The media feeds us reasons to be less emotional. It pushes our buttons to not think as much deeper into the issue emotional wise.

" theres another, even deeper reason why our nervous systems are so quick to merege with our computer. Evolution has imbued our brains with a powerdul social instinct, which, as Jason Mitchell ( Harvard's head of neuroscience lab) entails a set of processes for interffering what those around us are thinking and feeling." ( 213)
In the last section Carr focuses on the Internet's affect on our emotions and its large impact. I thought this book was extremely interesting because I must say that I feel the Internet has made us slower thinkers. We are so dependant on the source because we no longer have to remember things as much as before. With a click of a button we can get all the information from sites like Google we need and educate ourselves on pretty much anything. This book made me think about generation and what is there to come. Will future generations be less intelligent? This book served as food for thought. It really opened up my mind to think about the Internet more critically and the affect on our brains. After reading this book I felt almost as if my mind has been frying all this time. Interesting Ideas and a lot to think about...

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