Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Shallows "1-57"

"Every technology is an expression of human will. Through our tools, we seek to expand our power and control over our circumstances-over nature, over time and distance, over one another. " (44)

First off, I must point out one of my personal favorite sections in the first part of the book. I really liked when Carr spoke about Nietzsche. I'm reading Nietzsche for another class with Jodi Dean and while reading Shallows gave me a whole different perspective on what initially thought of Nietzsche. It gave a different insight. He talks about Nietzsche way of thinking and his way of writing as an affect of his thoughts. I thought this was cool considering what I have learned about Nietzsche this semester. “You are right Nietzsche replied. Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts" (19)
 I really liked the connection of Digital Networks to my Political theory course.

However, aside from this I was able to understand some of Carr's points. I think that a lot of his arguments were accurate and things that I had thought about briefly before on my own. However, never with as much depth and analysis as Carr's book feeds us. I found myself agreeing with a lot of the arguments that Carr makes. The Internet to us seems like this great reliable source. Thanks to the Internet we have learned so much and it has made our life so much easier. However, while making our lives easier it also has "dumbed" us down. Yes, I agree! 

“The intellectual ethic of a technology is rarely recognized by its inventors. They are usually so intent on solving particular problems or untangling some thorny scientific or engineering dilemma that they don't see the broader implications of their work. The users of the technology are oblivious to its ethic" (45)

Before the Internet we had more time to think and come up with more concrete opinions on our own ideas. We did not rely on Google to give us all the information that we needed. We no longer think for ourselves because someone else is thinking for us. (GOOGLE)

The first part of the book was interesting because Carr talks about humans becoming almost brainless creatures who are losing their sense of self because of the Internet. The Internet allows us to read in a whole different way. We understand material less. We are distracted by everything the Internet provides for us.emails, Face book, Google, Wikipedia. Our reading comprehension has decreased and our attention span has decreased. I feel that personally the Internet is the reason why I feel I have A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder) I think online has made us less able to think because we are so distracted.

Carr understands how essential and great the Internet can be. However, his concern revolves around how it actually hurts us. He feels it is important that we save ourselves from becoming the mindless robotic like humans the Internet is constructing us to be. Technology takes a huge toll in our life.

" the oral world of our distant ancestors may well have had emotional and intuitive depths that we no longer appreciate" (56) We no longer appreciate the way we used to learn without the media and without the technology that is so strong a part of our world. We are lost and further sucked into this realm that kills our brain activity.

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