Thursday, March 31, 2011


Wheres Prof Dean?

Class on Thursday went pretty well (the short of time I was there.)  I must admit I left early because I didn’t have a laptop so I wasn’t able to blog about the class. I was confused and lost and felt empty without my laptop.   I didn’t stay for the whole class time although I listened to some of my classmates views and opinions on the readings. I already knew that you might not come to class because you didn’t come to my morning class. We were confused as well in our first class when we saw someone else come in and give us a lecture on the reading material. However, the time I was there I thought my classmates handled the class very well. The class was concerned about you watching us which kind of scared me into staying as well. I was there for most of the class but left early. I think it was great that while I was there a discussion went on about the material. People were frantic about blogging and what to put on their blog but pulled it together. 

A point about losing trust in you was brought up in class.  I don’t think I lost trust in you as a professor. I almost felt challenged to learn something new. What would I do if my professor doesn’t come to class? I wanted to hear how my classmates interpreted the readings and how they felt about it. I like to hear what my classmates have to say because it helps me better understand the material. Many times it helps me view the material in a different light depending on a classmate’s interpretation that can be completely different from mine.. I was able to listen to my classmates closely and my skills working with other people improved. After the class I asked my classmates how things went and they gave me a heads up on what they discussed. They informed on how hectic it was to try and blog at first and how they later pulled it together.

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